Changes in the SEAT S.A. Board of Directors

Changes in the SEAT S.A. Board of Directors

  • Volkswagen Group Technology head Thomas Schmall appointed Chairman of the SEAT S.A. Board of Directors

Thomas Schmall, member of the Board of Management of Volkswagen Group for Technology and CEO of Volkswagen Group Components, has been appointed today new Chairman of the SEAT S.A. Board of Directors.

Schmall will succeed Dr. Herbert Diess at the helm of the company’s Board of Directors. Together with the President of the Executive Committee, Wayne Griffiths, he will lead the transformation of the company and its brands towards electric mobility.

“The heart of SEAT and CUPRA and most of the teams are located in Spain, a market that is positioning itself like no other for e-mobility. I am very much looking forward to working closely with Wayne Griffiths and his team to make SEAT and CUPRA set the course for the future.”

SE21-21E Board of directors (1p).pdf 221 KB SE21-21E Board of directors.docx 189 KB
Dirk Steyvers PR & Content Manager SEAT & CUPRA, s.a. D'Ieteren Automotive n.v.


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