Tune in to SEAT S.A.'s annual results presentation

Tune in to SEAT S.A.'s annual results presentation

  • The press conference will be broadcast live on 23 March at 9.30 CET
  • The company will present its 2021 results as well as its strategic priorities for 2022 and beyond
  • Herbert Diess, Chairman of the Board of Management, Volkswagen AG and Thomas Schmall, Chairman of the Board of Directors, SEAT S.A will join virtually to open the event
  • Following the presentation, registered journalists will be able to take part in a Q&A session

Next Wednesday 23 March at 9.30 CET, SEAT S.A. will present its 2021 results and future strategy at CASA SEAT in Barcelona.

The press conference will be attended by Wayne Griffiths, President of SEAT S.A, and David Powels, Executive Vice-President for Finance and IT, SEAT S.A., who will review the company’s results for 2021 and its strategy for the years ahead, including the latest corporate and product developments. After the presentation, both speakers will be available for a Q&A session.

Herbert Diess, Chairman of the Board of Management, Volkswagen AG, and Thomas Schmall, Chairman of the Board of Directors, SEAT S.A, will join virtually before the results presentation.

We invite you to follow the event on our dedicated website:


The press conference will be held in English and simultaneous translation into Spanish and German will be available.



  • Wednesday 23 March from 9:30am to 11.00am CET
  • Link to follow the live press conference:
    • https://annualpressconference2022.seatevents.es/
    • To follow the press conference and select the audio language click “Enter”
    • To ask questions during the Q&A session you must register by Tuesday 22 March at 8.00pm, by clicking “Registration for Q&A”

The press conference (without Q&A session) can also be followed via YouTube:

Story image
SE21-03E Annual Press Conference.docx 79 KB SE21-03E Annual Press Conference.pdf 352 KB
Dirk Steyvers PR & Content Manager SEAT & CUPRA, s.a. D'Ieteren Automotive n.v.




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