Fabian Simmer, SEAT’s new global Head of Product and Events Communications

Fabian Simmer, SEAT’s new global Head of Product and Events Communications

  • Simmer will lead this area at a time when the company is mounting its electric offensive
  • A part of SEAT since 2008, he has worked in the areas of Presidency, Brand Experience and Digitalisation

Fabian Simmer (Kufstein, Austria, 1983) has been appointed SEAT’s new global Head of Product and Events Communications and will report to SEAT General Director of Communications and Institutional Relations Christian Stein.

With a degree in Communications and Public Relations from the European University of Barcelona, Fabian Simmer has developed his professional career in different areas at SEAT, where he began working in the company’s Sales and Marketing department in 2008. He later formed part of SEAT’s Office of the President, and in 2013 was appointed Head of Brand Experience. Since June of 2016, Simmer has been the company’s Digital Officer.

Fabian Simmer’s appointment as Head of Product and Events Communications comes at a time when the company is mounting its electric offensive and is set to launch six new electric and hybrid plug-in models by early 2021 with the aim of boosting the most sustainable mobility: the SEAT Mii electric, SEAT el-Born, SEAT Leon PHEV, SEAT Tarraco PHEV, CUPRA Formentor and CUPRA Leon PHEV.


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D’Ieteren speelt een hoofdrol in de maatschappelijke veranderingen die verband houden met uw mobiliteit. In een wereld in volle verandering bereiden wij de toekomst voor. De mobiliteit van morgen moet voor iedereen vlot en duurzaam zijn.

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